08:00AM – 5:30PM
Sat: 08:00AM – 1:00PM
80 Gloucester Road Croydon CR0 2DB
Call Us:

0208 663 8976

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Single Items

Friendly Uniformed Movers

Service Overview

Single Items moves can be moved just around the corner or to the other end of the country.

If they are to be delivered over a longer distance, we can store and deliver a week later, so the Items can share the load and cost of the transporting cost making it more cost effective to move.

There are many requirements for long-distance movers that are designed for your protection and quality of service.


Same day delivery
Starting at £50.00 per Item and £2.00 per mile + Vat
Within 7 days delivery
£50 per Item and £1.50 per mile + Vat
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